A Vibrational and Enterprising Firm
Where the Art of Linguistics and the Cryptology of Finance Meet

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Introduction to A. Medici Enterprises, Ltd.


A. Medici Enterprises, Ltd. ("A. Medici" or the "Firm") acts as an incubator of proprietary ideas that offer differentiated enhancements in the human experience for pre-defined audiences, where the emotional impulses driving buying (spending) decisions, among the human beings that such ideas are intended to serve, are fundamentally positive in nature, and are often informed by the introduction of a more sophisticated, nuanced approach, including the potential application of a technological component.

Andre Meyer, who was the managing partner of that very firm referred to herein until his transition in 1979, and was known in physical form as a leading pioneer of modern finance, primarily as it relates to consumer, automobile and structured finance, real estate, mergers and acquisitions, and its derivative trading instruments. Andre is a spiritual mentor for our Firm's founder.

Our standards are high, and therefore so are the clients we seek to be about. Our advice is informed by a human life that is rich in its global perspective, yet nuanced by locally-informed differences in the operating contexts in and around the various geographies that inspired interest in us. Our early work for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (O.E.C.D.) in Paris as an E. John Rosenwald Scholar of the Nelson Rockefeller Center for Public Policy at Dartmouth College, included a focus upon international law and economic policy matters that would come to inform the creation of the European Economic Community. This was later followed at Bear, Stearns and Lazard with an interest in large Latin American and European privatization programs, emerging industries and markets, corporate finance, domestic and international capital markets, structured finance in the context of off-balance sheet transactions, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, private equity as an alternative asset class and a capital source for corporate recapitalizations and acquisitions/turnarounds, and internal corporate start-up initiatives. This was later followed by entrepreneurial experiences as an owner/operator of a high-end furniture and interior design company catering mostly to affluent families with residences in the Americas as well as Europe, and later as a digital media entrepreneur serving primarily local businesses seeking to leverage the power of search and advertising algorithms, as showcased in the publications Internet Masters, as well as the book, Transform, with Brian Tracy, a leading professional sales trainer.

Historical Context

Alba Medici is an ancient family clan with deep roots in the Old and New Worlds. This site is not intended to focus upon history, politics or religion, but rather to apply the broader outlook that this clan was known for to our future endeavors.

Our Services

A. Medici 666

With Medici 666, we intend to focus upon assisting a variety of enterprises, including in relation to emerging industries and new applications of digital technologies Moreover, the Firm is keen on assisting traditional brick-and-mortar enterprises re-vamp their equity stories in ways that are more consistent with the evolution of all things. As a trained professional in the domain of the equity capital markets, we played an important role in preparing management teams associated with the privatization of state-owned enterprises, such as France Telecom, where we were among the team of advisors that assisted Michel Bon, as then former CEO and Chairman of Carrefour, and his newly appointed team at France Telecom transform a rather bureaucratic organization into a forward-looking enterprise that would eventually serve the basis for the creation of Orange based on the reorganizational steps that were taken as part of the two privatization tranches of the former French national telecommunications provider, representing a total consideration of over $14 billion. Similarly, we also were involved in the early days of development of the cellular and mobile telecommunications with the $13.2 billion merger of Bell Atlantic Mobile and NYNEX in 1994, which served as the basis for the creation of Verizon Communications. We intend to be the source of additional value to each of these organizations as appropriate and as informed by the benefits that their underlying products and services can offer to a growing, highly-mobile and global audience of entrepreneurs, as well as the growing trend of populations leaving highly concentrated urban centers, where much of their historical growth had been previously informed by, towards less dense population centers, such as rural-country settings, similar to trends experienced in Boston during the late 1980s when bordering towns of New Hampshire became bedroom communities for Boston-based professionals.

In addition, we believe there are less benefits in remaining a public company today given the limited number of professional research analysts educating the wider public on the evolution of enterprises in relation to the significant volume of public companies, which has been exacerbated with the expanded ability to access public markets through direct listings and therefore a diminished role for investment banks to provide the oversight that was intended to ensure the integrity of the public markets. Public equities are increasingly informed by speculative equity stories driven by retail consumers using technology-driven apps. As such, there are many companies that are now lost in the mix, and are not receiving the appropriate attention, whilst being hampered by the on-going pressures of meeting earnings expectations on a quarterly basis in relation to an equity story that may not represent the best story; but many are unable to change, amend or even reverse course given these constant sets of pressures. Just as underlying real estate portfolios of large enterprises have also evolved with population shifts and potential commercial uses, there are plenty of related opportunities to consider ways of re-directing value in more creative ways within many enterprises that are not being actively considered, when so much of public debt is secured by such portfolios and therefore their own market capitalizations.

A. Medici Crypto Partners

With Medici Crypto Partners, we intend to become a leading innovator in the creation of new revenues streams and enterprises that are informed by products and services that are denominated by an appropriate crypto-currency, some of which we intend to be self-informed. In the case of Bitcoin, we believe it makes for a perfect defensive currency given its infinite potential for fractional parts, while remaining scarce in "whole" terms, which explains its large appeal in jurisdictions where there has been an undisciplined approach towards the growing of the money supply, as has been evidenced by its growing adoption in Latin American economies; but it is certainly not reflective of the necessary expansion of any currency, as new money, whether that be the issuance of new paper money, company stock certificates, or the creation of other securities as a representative form of value, for the purpose of advancing the development of underlying products and services that represent the ever-changing wants and needs of humankind. From what we have been able to observe, much of the crypto market is currently understood in its graphical elements, much like the trading of public equities, which is mostly based on imperfect information that is fed by public opinion and rarely fundamentals. In many ways, this first wave of crypto-currencies is reminiscent of Internet companies of the 1990s, whose viability and prospects were often being evaluated by "eye views", rather than any underlying buying taking place. Similarly, there is a lot of momentum around certain coins, whose real prospects are unclear to evaluate in the absence of a path towards adoption or application within any particular businesses or industries for compelling reasons that support its use towards a buying experience.

Our intention here is not to shrug off the significant progress that the crypto currency market has garnered; but rather, we would like to be a voice of clarity among an audience that is highly technical in their approach, but not necessarily fluent in the fundamentals that drive human consumption, which informs the application of money towards an endeavor where a given audience is expected to receive perceivable value and, in the process, engenders greater demand for similar products and services. As such, we focus only upon those crypto currencies that can offer an eternal perspective in relation to the going-concern intended for an enterprise that either is already serving or about to be created to serve a given audience across time and space, with a crypto-currency representing the trusted mechanism of stored value that facilitates the exchange of said products and services that enhances the human experience being acquired.

Our digital wallet of choice is Binance, developed by the Singapore based company and led by the young entrepreneur, Changpeng Zhao, as we deem the concept of a stable coin to be incredibly pioneering as it acts in tandem as a proxy for adoption and as a gateway into a collection of fiat and crypto currencies, which is consistent with the tradition for diversity of Stamford Raffles, recognized as the founder of modern Singapore. Binance's own stable coin, the one of BNB, is exceptionally placed as it resonates with 18, and, therefore, is aligned with Chai, abundance itself, as understood by B(2)N(14)B(2)=18, and also offers a unique opportunity for small-and-medium sized merchants to adopt crypto as a form of payment for existing products and services, and immediately convert into a fiat currency of choice, should there be a preference to remain crypto-free.

Separately, we are excited by the innovations that non-fungible tokens represent as a mechanism for wealth transfer from generation to generation, and therefore the entirety of the wealth management and estate planning industry. To date, most of the attention regarding NFTs has been focused upon digital art or gaming in its opportunistic sense, but the broadest offering relates to its use as an attachment to physical durable goods, whether that be experiences of an owned or rented perspective, relating to the individual creative value that can be assigned through human experiences, such as the riding of a plane, the driving of a vehicle, or decorative items and/or scarce characteristics of personal items such as precious gems, high-end furniture and antiques, exclusive couture designer clothing, etc. Similarly, this theme also holds true in the context of corporate transactions, whether that be in relationship to forward contracts, such as put/call arrangements associated with a change of events or a transfer of ownership rights, or conversion features tied to equity-like instruments that are part of a pro-forma capital structure, which can be memorialized through the use of NFTs as part of a transaction.

A. Medici Apps

With Medici Apps, we intend to focus upon working with founders and entrepreneurs seeking to broaden and streamline the scope, design and commercialization of solutions being sought by large and varied segments of the human population, where the growing integration of the audio-visual experience offered by the Web, can be incorporated into the multi-sensory, physical experience, offering unique opportunities for creative shifts in the automated delivery of products and services. This is most apparent in a rudimentary form by the new generation of female entrepreneurs on Instagram, who are models of their own clothing lines, within a digital catalogue of sorts. Cat-walk experiences within catalogues is a novelty, when one considers the static catalogues of major retailers since the second-half of the 20th century. We have vast experience selling high-end fashion of avant-garde designers from our early days at Charivari,, including those who who were emerging in the 1980s from Europe and Japan, such as Yohji Yamamoto, Commes des Garcons, Romeo Gigli, Gianni Versace, Kenzo, and Matsuda. Charivari was led by Selma, Jon and Barbara Weiser of the Riverside section of the Upper West Side of New York City. Our retail experience was further enhanced by the co-founding of a chain of high-end furniture and design retail showrooms, serving high-end dwellers of some of the most affluent communities of South Florida in the US and the Caribbean.

A. Medici Sports

With Medici Sports, we seek to work closely with sports organizations, including organizers of large sporting events, who we imagine are keen on diversifying their revenue streams as in-stadium spectator-reliant events have become more challenging to predict in terms of their potential economic impact on a community. The incorporation of NFTs and other digital products and services within these sporting events would mitigate some of the existing pressures on revenues associated with the installed physical base, as well as leverage audiences that are understood by their remoteness, such as those audiences assembled by teams and athletes on social media networks. With the assistance of a leading digital advertising partner in the Seattle, Washington area, who relies on partners like us to drive enterprise-level relationships in Europe and the rest of the world, and is well-known as the leading calibrator of advertising algorithms for product launches associated with the Internet-guru community, we seek to provide a differentiated solution through A. Medici Sports.


All of our client services, including the assumption of interim roles within the C-suite of an enterprise, involves a monthly retainer that is commensurate with the stage of evolution of the enterprise being considered, i.e., consulting fees are consistent with the context of the project and its participants. Every consulting arrangement spans a minimum of three months, and are extended for longer periods of time based on mutual consent. We accept fiat-currencies from over 50 countries, as well as crypto-currency payments.

Insights Inspired by Andre Meyer

On the Collapse of Distance

For a significant part of the 20th century, domestic long-distance calls, let alone international ones, were considered as rather expensive for most, until they essentially became free with this new generation of human beings. In fact, the ability to view and communicate with others instantaneously through a small physical screen, who may be thousands of kilometers (miles) away is an amazing technological feat consistent with the science fiction stories, yet that too has also manifested and without charge in most cases, and, therefore, has come to be a rather general expectation for most with access to a mobile device. And when one considers the significant investment that has been made in telecoms infrastructure over the past fifty years, including the recent spectrum for 5G, there is an incredible amount of price diminishment, which would suggest a re-imagining of sorts of the revenue models is in order for many of these enterprises to sustain profitable business models. So we would expect a new wave of consolidation as well as a re-sizing of sorts that is more closely aligned with higher revenues per subscriber, where those additional revenues are related to novel, ancillary services, including some of a concierge nature, as the sale of private, user data becomes a greater subject of scrutiny across jurisdictions.

On Artificial Intelligence

Whilst the human form is an amazing physical manifestation, it is primarily consciousness, i.e., a thinking mechanism that receives and processes thoughts based on its emotional state of being that is habitually practiced based on a emotional scale that ranges from clarity, abundance, well-being, satisfaction, and joy to lesser frequencies, i.e., less desired emotions, that do not feel as nice when considered, even as such thoughts are pondered as these words are read and have also been written for its effect. These various vibrational points of attraction are exclusive to life forms, and unknown to man-made machines, digital switches or bots, as they lack the ability to create their own experience in their absence of being able to independently focus into different mood states and and therefore, cause the reception of thoughts that match the new emotional state of being. As such, artificial intelligence is mostly one-dimensional and, from where we stand, offers human beings the opportunity to diminish their focus on computational matters, but it is certainly not a replacement for the potential of a human being, when one considers the vast beauty exhibited in art, music, and architecture, even in our own ability to create sophisticated machines and devices, that serve as manifested expressions of the human potential and are derived purely from human inspiration, not a computer language or script. Similarly, enterprises are imagined to enhance the human experience, not to be its source of engineering or diminishment, which was the reason Andre was not a proponent of leveraged buyouts, as easy access to capital was not the determinant of the logic of a transaction, but rather the revenue growth that could come from such an event, either through a corporate marriage or the better consideration that a different management team could afford to an existing enterprise. And these conclusions are determined by clarity of thought, i.e., intellectual capital flowing through a human form by its ability to tap into a emotional state of being known as being high (Chai), abundant in thought, rather than a lifeless chest of currency and the potential synergies that could come from reductions in expenses.

On Start-Ups

There were over 65,000 apps published on the Google Play store in December 2021, and a smaller, but certainly comparable amount in its "thousands" of sense on the Apple App store. Yet only a handful of apps are known by most and used on a regular basis, which would also suggest that very few apps lead to the ultimate success that many crave or are led to believe is possible. And the reason is quite simple: there isn't a human experience where the buying of it is understood well enough in so many of them. There is plenty of technology of a digital nature that can be infinitely contrived and offered as a product, but so much of it is temporal in its good use, so it is quickly replaced by the next shiny object. It's incredibly challenging to build any business where the human being is not front and center in the creation of the enterprise, as we are the only species who use money as part of the creative process. The universe certainly and emphatically does not require it to create galaxies, suns or planets, nor does any species who co-habits this planet have any use for it either. So identifying a human experience where there is logic for spending to take place, where the inclusion of a certain technology is informed by ready participants is a critical factor. In fact, we remain highly vigilant for example with Amazon's retail business, given the diminishment of the purchasing power of its average customer. Irrespective of the potential scale of the network, there is no enterprise in the absence of a paying customer and certainly a declining enterprise when its customer base appears to be less affluent. For that reason, we prefer to focus upon the creation of minimally viable experiences, rather than MVPs in connection with the start-up projects that we are focused upon. There are so many opportunities today that allow for a first client in beta-fashion to be imagined and assembled in cost-effective ways, including the foundational aspects that would inform the enterprise for such an experience from a corporate and legal standpoint, as well as the media campaigns that could inform its promotional messaging.

On Real Estate

So much of real estate is in transition for reasons that are informed by recent events, but also by events that have been transpiring for years now with the diminishment of the traditional corporate vision, which was highly centered around the grouping of people under one roof spread across various vertical floors, and other reasons that are yet to be realized as informed by the climate shifts that are being chronically discussed, which certainly cause certain areas of the world to be more exposed than others given the quality of construction materials and care afforded to geological considerations. As such, there is certainly a lot of real estate that will need to be marked-down to account for these disparities, including those owned by large fast food restaurant establishments, as well as major developments in so many different jurisdictions, without emphasizing on any one of them in particular. Notwithstanding, there will always be an opportunity to rebuild as it is known so vividly in Portugal after the events of the Earthquake of 1755, which involved the leadership of Marques de Pombal in his supervision of Lisbon's reconstruction, and related undertakings under the rule of Joseph I.

Contact Us

Alba Medici Family Seal

A. Medici Enterprises Ltd.
71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden
London, United Kingdom WC2H 9JQ
+44 203 675 3901